Towards to Alpha 2
Here is the list of content and features for Alpha 2, and current state of them.
Alpha 2
▫️ New bigger, better designed main world map, with different biomes Started
▫️ More land tiles Started
▫️ More random dungeons with rooms/areas including some special events and happenings Not Started
▫️ Players can own land or assets like mine, lumber mills etc. Not Started
▫️ Skills for stealing like lockpicking, pickpocketing and stealth Not Started
▫️ Few new social related skills Started
▫️ Couple of new Art skills like Enchanting, Fletching, Masonry and Musicianship Not Started
Spells and Techniques
▫️ More spells, blessings, conjures, curses, techniques and so on... Started
▫️ Icons to indicate debuffs also Not Started
▫️ Maybe some other abilities what are not actual spells and not related to combat Not Started
Monsters and NPCs
▫️ Town growth, new NPCs will move in to towns if they see there is what they need Not Started
▫️ Hirable NPCs, ability to hire NPCs or even monsters to defend or do work like mining for you Not Started
▫️ NPC Caravans, which are routing between towns, you can protect or maybe even rob them Not Started
▫️ Monster raids, monster can try to raid towns, camps, or whatever where is something to raid Not Started
▫️ Dynamic relations between monster/NPC factions/types Not Started
▫️ Improved A.I. Not Started
▫️ More monsters and NPC types Started
▫️ Level and progression system for pets Not Started
▫️ Pet training, using animal husbandry and animal taming skills Not Started
▫️ Pet abilities Not Started
▫️ Different nature for pets and how they are reacting to different situations Not Started
▫️ More craftable items for Arts Not Started
▫️ More resources Not Started
▫️ More house building blocks Not Started
Other features and mechanics
▫️ Deeds to increase your bank space, different tiers of deeds increase different amount of space Started
▫️ Block based house building. different materials and block sizes too Not Started
▫️ Ability to build lumber mills or mining camps, and other things like these Not Started
▫️ Mills, mining camps and such can be populated by NPC workers you hire Not Started
▫️ Thievery system, lights, weather, shadows and skills effects to stealth or lockpicking success for example Not Started